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Jorge - Language Use

Jorge's quick progress in English language learning is discussed in relationship to his formal education and orientation to continuing education, and work. We can see that Jorge's English language use outside the classroom suggests a rapid increase in his use of English. This usage may be due, in part, to the political nature of Jorge's migration to the U.S. and some animosity toward the Cuban government. While there is evidence for a bi-national identity in some of the learners in this portrait, particularly those from Mexico, Jorge's situation is different. Jorge talked about the difficulty for him to travel back to Cuba. For immigrants from Mexico, the political relationships and geography make taking a trip back to their country of origin much easier.

The numbers of Mexican-Americans living in Portland has also allowed for the establishment of a Mexican-American community in the Portland. While Jorge reports speaking Spanish at home with his Cuban-American roommates, he is not part of an established community of Cuban-Americans outside the home. He reported speaking Spanish 50% of the time outside the home in 2003. That changed in 2004 and 2005 to speaking English only outside the home.

In speaking about language use and language education in an interview from 2003, one year after his arrival in the U.S., Jorge expresses his understanding the necessity of formal education as well as spoken interaction outside the classroom (and outside the home) for English language learning (JoLu1).

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Jorge:In my language, or in my second language English, I need to study more. mm I think I don't study (+) eh all time the English language. I need to study more. I think in the class is good but mm is necessary more time away um because some people same me like me go to school but in the house is a problem study. I think four or five day a week is good for a person because eh exercise you're your language your n- new language with American people as teachers or the other peoples. Eh and have to to speak, read, write in English. I think eh (+) the person come to America, and don't eh s- don't speak English need more time in in a classroom or interviewer with other people, I think so.

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When asked, in 2006, about communities that he is a part of in Portland, Jorge talked about his interest in speaking with homeless people in a main square in downtown Portland and that through the communication with this community, he has opportunities both for English language use as well as learning about this aspect of U.S. society. This excerpt (in English) from an interview in 2004 shows Jorge expressing his understanding of the reflexive nature of English language use and proficiency (JoLu2).

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Jorge:I really happy right now because (+) I know that I can do it. Everything in English. Because it's (+) some kinda easy for me. Um (+) I make sure myself (+) ihm that I can do it. That I get my (xxx) here. I think so. I know that I have to improve my English every day. Also I think my English is a little high that the last year. Because in my job ah my training have to talk everything in English. Every minute. Um also I make people downtown Portland.

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