Experiment |
Modified Sustained Silent Reading
An overview of the 2002/2003 intervention
Modified Sustained Silent Reading was the first
experiment conducted in the Lab School. The experiment
compared a sustained silent reading (modified
version) approach to reading to a traditional
approach to teaching reading. This experiment
took place from September 2002 through August
Choosing an intervention
The intervention was chosen after in-depth discussions
with the Lab School advisory board and discussions
with additional leaders in the field of adult
ESL nationally and locally.
The following issues were considered when choosing
the experiment:
1. The intervention needed
to be on a topic that was significant to
practitioners and researchers in adult ESL.
2. Given that all of the classes at the
Lab School were video recorded, an intervention
was chosen that could be seen on video.
3. The intervention needed to focus on
a teaching practice or part of the curriculum
that teachers could begin to do and stop
doing—in a visible way.
4. The intervention needed to be supported
by research that indicated that it would
improve student learning.
5. Expected student learning outcomes were
predicted to be visible on the measures used
in the Labsite
Student Study (annual in-home interviews
and in-class assessments). |
Students in the Lab School were randomly assigned
either to the control condition or to the experimental
condition. For twelve months or while enrolled
in the Lab School, students stayed in the same
condition. After six months the teachers switched
condition, so that students were exposed to more
than one teacher using the same approach. The
table below presents a visual of the organization.
The colors represent the two teachers.
Condition |
Fall 2002 |
Winter 2003 |
Spring 2003 |
Summer 2003 |
Modified SSR
A |
A |
A |
Modified SSR
B |
B |
B |
B |
Traditional Reading
A |
A |
A |
A |
Traditional Reading
B |
B |
B |
B |
The classes met two times per week, three hours
each meeting for a total of six hours per week.
During the first 90 minutes of each class, the instruction
followed the established Course
Outcome Guides (Level
A and Level
B) established by Portland Community College.
During the remaining 30 minutes of each class, one
class (at both levels, A and B) received the control
treatment while the other received the experimental
Control Group
Students in the control group experienced reading
instruction that is the accepted base of good
practice at Portland Community College for the
academic year 2002/2003. During each 120 minute
class period, students spent 1 hour on reading
instruction. The teacher selected the reading
materials based on the current class topic. The
• Read the same text, |
• Engaged in vocabulary and/or phonics
exercises, |
• Participated in schema activation
exercises, |
• Took part in learner comprehension
checks, and |
• Completed activities that related
the reading to the learners’ own lives.
Experimental Group
Students in the experimental group experienced
the Modified Sustained Silent Reading (MSSR) approach.
For this approach, the students spent 1 hour of
each class meeting in reading instruction. The
• Selected their own reading
from a variety of materials in the classroom, |
• Spent 30 minutes doing free reading, |
• Talked about their the book with
a partner for 10 minutes, and |
• Filled out a reading log. |
Learning Outcomes
The experiment recorded changes in students’
language development through the Labsite Student
Study, in-class assessments, and advancement of
course level. Student learning was measured at
various times with various instruments. Writing
and oral language skills were assessed in class.
Both standardized and locally-developed instruments
were used.
In-class assessments were completed regularly
and were performed using:
The annual in-home interview assessments were
performed using:
In our analysis, both the control and experimental
(MSSR) conditions are being compared in order
to assess whether or not there is improvement
in student learning. The areas of analysis are:
vocabulary, literacy, and oral language. Findings
will indicate if a modified sustained silent reading
approach is more effective for helping learners
acquire oral and written English skills than a
traditional ESL reading approach.
The results will help educational practitioners
better understand instructional practices that
relate to improved student learning. The results
will also aid those involved in developing educational
programs that serve low-level adult ESL students.
Preliminary results will be presented at TESOL
2004, Thursday, April 1st from 2:00-2:45 in Long
Beach, California. Final results are expected
in the winter, 2005.
Educational experiments such as these are just
one out of many ways to understand the relationship
between instructional practice and student learning.
Burt, M., & Peyton, J. K.
(2003). Reading and adult English language
learners: The role of the first |
language. Retrieved from www.cal.org/ncle/digests/reading.htm |
Cho, K. (1998). Providing pleasure
reading to adult immigrants: The effects on
reading behaviors and |
second language acquisition. In R. Constantino
(Ed.), Literacy, access, and libraries among
the language minority population (pp. 107-126).
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc. |
Chow, P., & Chou, C. (2000).
Evaluating sustained silent reading in reading
classes. Retrieved from |
http://iteslj.org/Articles/Chow-SSR.html |
Coady, J. (1997). L2 vocabulary
acquisition through extensive reading. In
J. Coady & T. Huckin |
(Eds.), Second language vocabulary acquisition
(pp. 225-37). Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. |
Crandall, J., Jaramillo, A.,
Olsen, L. & Peyton, J.K. (2002) Using
cognitive strategies to develop |
English language and literacy, ERIC Digest. |
Dupuy, B., Tse, L., & Cook,
T. (1996). Bringing books into the classroom:
First steps in turning |
college-level ESL students into readers.
TESOL Journal, 5(4), 10-15 |
McCracken, R. A. (1971). Initiating
sustained silent reading. Journal of Reading,
14(8), 521-524, |
582-583. |
Petrimoulx, J. (1988). Sustained
silent reading in an ESL class: A study. Chicago,
Document Reproduction Service No. ED301068). |
Pilgreen, J. (2000). The SSR
Handbook. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. |
Renendya, W., Rajan, B. R. S.,
& Jacobs, G. M. (1999). Extensive reading
with adult learners of |
English as a second language. RELC Journal,
30, 39-61. |